Rob Knight at UC San Diego in La Jolla, Calif. on Tuesday June 16, 2015. Photograph by Tracy Boulian and David Ahntholz
© Copyright 2015 Tracy Boulian and David Ahntholz
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Time: 4:00 pm-5:00 pm, followed by reception
Speaker: Rob Knight, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Department of Computer Science, Director for the Center for Microbiome Innovation, University of California, San Diego
Hosts: Eric Alm; Mriganka Sur
Talk title: Our Dynamic Microbiomes and the Brain
Abstract: Our lifespans are ever-increasing, but our healthspans are not, leading to long periods of unpleasant and expensive suffering with chronic conditions. Many of these conditions have recently been linked to the microbiome, via advances in DNA sequencing technology and software to interpret those sequences. We change our microbiomes every day through the foods we eat, the environments we experience, even the people we live and work with. The implications of these changes in the microbiome for our health are just beginning to be understood. And many of the effects are systemic: what happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut, and your gut microbiome can affect your liver, your joints, and even your brain. Through the American Gut Project, the largest crowdsourced and crowdfunded citizen-science project yet conducted, we now know about the microbiomes of many types of people, from the healthiest (student-athletes, centenarians) to the sickest (cancer patients, ICU patients, those with depression, those with C. diff). Amazingly, diet has an especially profound effect on our microbiomes, often outweighing the effects of disease or medications. This raises the prospect of a system for real-time analysis of our microbiomes that helps guide our daily decisions in a way that optimizes our microbiomes for extending our health-span.