Travis Emery has been with the Simons Center for the Social Brain since early 2012, and at MIT since 2003, during which time he completed a Master’s degree concentrating in Mathematics and Computation at the Harvard University Extension School. Travis earned his Bachelor of Science at Bates College.
Travis works with the Simons Center team on financial, space, and funding projects. In addition, he helps researchers identify, acquire, and assemble equipment for their projects, provides technical guidance across SCSB facilities, and manages the SCSB website. To his role he brings expertise in laboratory management, budget and financial planning, communication, and a suite of other skills.
As Manager of the Mriganka Sur Laboratory since 2005, Travis coordinated the lab’s move to Building 46 and has worked in both technical and administrative capacities toward its subsequent growth. Before joining the Sur Lab, Travis supported several junior faculty researchers in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, working closely with the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory.
If there’s something you would like to see on the SCSB website, or if you would like to learn more about the technical resources available to Simons Center researchers, please email Travis.