Sensitive periods in human development: A case study of early psychosocial deprivation

Speaker: Charles Nelson, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Professor of Pediatrics, Boston Children’s Hospital; Director of Research, Developmental Medicine Center

Date: February 12, 2020

Talk title: Sensitive periods in human development: A case study of early psychosocial deprivation

Abstract: Experience is the engine that drives much of postnatal brain development.  When children are deprived of key (i.e., experience-expected) experiences, particularly during critical periods of development, brain and behavioral development can be derailed.  There is perhaps no more egregious form of deprivation than being raised in large, state-run institutions.

In my talk, I will introduce a project launched nearly 20 years ago, based in Bucharest, Romania.  In the Bucharest Early Intervention Project three groups of Romanian children are being studied: infants abandoned to institutions and who remain in institutional care; infants abandoned to institutions but then placed in high quality foster care; and infants who have never been institutionalized.  These three groups have been studied through age 16, with a 20 year follow up being planned.  In my talk I will introduce the overall project, including its conceptual framework, its experimental design, the ethics involved in conducting this work and the nature of the intervention we deployed.  I will then briefly summarize findings from several key domains, including brain development, cognitive development, social-emotional development, psychopathology, and stress physiology.