Those creativities had no predetermined rules
or restrictions, which essentially instilled an
emotion of freedom and fulfillment in all of us who
participated. Events like this inspire you to visualize
the bigger picture of our research with ASD and
the impact it can have on the betterment of society.
Thanks to SCSB and Prof. Sinha for organizing this!
– Sajal Sen, SCSB Postdoctoral Fellow
Each child’s artwork provides a window into their
unique world. I was struck by the wide range of
individual perceptions and actions, and I believe we
have much to learn from this rich diversity.
– Lukas Vogelsang, SCSB Postdoctoral Fellow
The UnrulyArt program, initiated by MIT Professor Pawan Sinha and now supported by the Simons Center for the Social Brain (SCSB), aims to provide children of all abilities with the opportunity to explore and create art in an inclusive environment. UnrulyArt empowers children, particularly those with developmental disabilities, to express themselves freely without the constraints often imposed by traditional art settings. SCSB co-hosted its first UnrulyArt event in April 2024. Building on its success, SCSB co-hosted a second UnrulyArt event on July 24, welcoming children from Cambridge Public Schools. This event brought together students of diverse abilities to collaborate and create art, reinforcing the program’s mission of inclusion and engagement. The children explored multiple creative stations, experimenting with different materials and techniques to produce their own works of art. For many, it was a special opportunity to interact with peers in a supportive setting that celebrated their unique perspectives.

event in July 2024. Photo by: Melanie Gonick